Sunday, May 21, 2017

Mastitis - How to treat it naturally

Mastitis is when tissue in your breast becomes painfully inflamed. It usually affects one breast at a time, and the area may be red, sore, painful to the touch, or unusually warm. Swelling may or may not be caused by an infection, but it could be one of the symptoms as well.
Signs that you may have an infection are chills all over , aching muscles and/or joints, a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, and fatigue. Basically you feel as if you are getting the flu.

What causes mastitis?
Mastitis, may be caused by milk staying in the breast mammary duct for an extended period of time which is called "milk stasis", other known names are “engorgement”, or “plugged milk ducts”. A breast infection may be caused by any of these as well as having cracked or damaged nipples, which allow germs to enter the breast and cause an infection. When milk plugs the duct it becomes rancid and allows bacteria to grow creating an infection.
Stress, fatigue, and being a first-time mom can increase your risk of mastitis. It can occur at any time while you're breastfeeding, but it's most common in the first month after you have your baby.
Wearing bra’s, sports bras, or tank tops that are fitted tightly around the breast, not allowing ample room for the breast to relax comfortably, can also be a cause. The breast becomes squashed and that puts pressure on the ducts causing milk to clog up. Though this is not necessarily the exact cause, it is a known factor that can lead to ducts being clogged and if continued lead to mastitis.
Breastfeeding moms should try not to sleep face down on their breast as well. This also can be a contributing factor that leads to mastitis.
Dehydration (from not drinking enough water, not juice or sodas) plays a big role on clogged mammary ducts. If you are not drinking enough water for your body to function, you feel stiff and warn down; slow moving, well the same thing happens to your breast milk. Milk can become concentrated making it hard to empty out of the breast during a feeding. Another lead not an actual cause.

Should I stop nursing if I have mastitis?
No. In fact, it's important that you continue nursing through the inflammation. Although nursing may be extremely painful at times, you need to let your baby feed frequently to keep your milk supply flowing and avoid further blockage. Try applying warm compresses and gently massaging your breast for several minutes before each feeding. This should help stimulate your letdown reflex and make nursing more tolerable. If your baby doesn't empty the inflamed breast during each feeding, finish the job yourself by pumping; if you find that nursing is unbearable, try pumping your breasts and giving the milk to your baby in a bottle. If you are wondering if Mastitis will harm your baby? The answer to that is "No". Though it can reduce the milk supply in the affected breast.

Side Note: If your baby is in the neonatal intensive care unit, save the milk from the breast with mastitis for later use at home. Mastitis can increase the sodium (salt) content in the milk, so most providers avoid giving this milk to an infant in the intensive care nursery. The milk isn't harmful if given later, however.
 How can I treat mastitis naturally?
Treating Mastitis Naturally can be trial and error for some, or an instant remedy that works perfectly for others. Once you find what works for you it becomes much easier if you happen to experience this uncomfortable condition again. For the most part something is better than doing nothing, and there are a lot of somethings you can try.
·         *Applying moist heated towel a few times a day is a definite To Do! (Do Not place an extremely hot towel on your sensitive breast – you want it heated enough but comfortable) As the heat diminishes allow that time to rest as the blood flow within the breast normalizes again.
·         Take a hot shower and allow the hot water to spray upon the breast, the penetration of the water helps to stimulate release of the obstruction and it also feels soothing to the breast.
·         Applying a cold compress (if comfortable) may also relieve the pain you may be feeling. (please remember to wrap the cold pack in a light towel or rag, DO Not Place it directly on your skin)
·         *Nursing your baby frequently to keep the affected breast empty is another To Do! (This may also help to work the infection more quickly out of the breast.)
·         *Massaging coconut oil or any vegetable base oil you may have on the inflicted breast. When doing this method remember to massage gently starting under your arm and work down towards the nipple. You want the infections to go out, not to go back in. I recommend “Coconut Oil” because it has antibacterial properties and is wonderful at pulling toxins out of the body.
·         *Supplements definitely will help you to boost your immune system to fight the infection. This is first and for most your priority. I can’t stress this enough, Do Not Just Treat Symptoms – Treat The Origin Of The Problem. If you concentrate on this as priority then trust me when I tell you within 12 – 24 hours you’ll feel much better.
·         Vitamin C - 2000mg  a day
·         Lysine and Echinacea both act as immune-system boosters.  Some multi-nutrient formulas, combine lysine, Vitamin C, Echinacea and Garlic for increased benefits. Use as directed.
CAUTION: Do not take anything with Echinacea if you are allergic to plants from the daisy family
·         Colloidal Silver – 1 teaspoon 3x’s a day for 5 days
·         *Home Remedies are perfect for conditions like this one, especially when the last thing you want to do is have to spend hours in a doctor’s office or emergency room with a nursing baby, having to pay a copay or for the entire visit - just to get an antibiotic…
·         Herbal teas: Depending on where you live plays a part in what teas are available to you. You want to buy teas that have herbs that will boost your immune system, just like the supplements.
·         You can take ibuprofen to ease the pain if it is too much for you to handle or Tylenol if you experience a fever. Please follow the instructions on dosage on the package. Remember what goes in you goes in baby.
If your symptoms don't improve within 24 hours of trying these measures, see your healthcare provider. She may prescribe antibiotics, rest, and pain relievers in addition to hot compresses.

* ”To Do” meaning make sure you definitely do this technique habitually, until the mastitis is no longer an issue. You can also do these techniques even when you do not have a clogged duct. It’s a way of assuring and maintaining healthy breast feeding practices during your whole breast feeding journey.

How long will mastitis last?

If you have an infection and it's diagnosed early, it's easy and quick to treat. You should start feeling improvement within 48 hours. So start your remedies or start taking your antibiotics and it won't be long before you feel 100 percent better. Be sure to take all of the prescribed antibiotics or finish the full remedy routine to keep the infection from returning a few days or weeks later.

If your breast remains tender and you still have a fever after a day or two, call your healthcare provider without delay. Ignoring mastitis can cause complications. An untreated infection can lead to breast abscesses, which require antibiotics and surgery (usually under general anesthesia) to drain the abscess.

#mastitis #windowsofwellness #sacredprenatalwomb #thewellnessmission

Monday, January 9, 2017


A cyst is like a friend that use to be your best friend but now has become an irritation in your life. You know the kind - you met them through a mutual friend, they seem mad cool, ya’ll have a lot in common so ya’ll become great friends. Then one day things start to go wrong. Their true nature comes to surface, they start to annoy the hell outta you, they do things that get under your skin, they want to be the center of your attention all the time, they nag you, things you had in common are the things that make you sick, like an infection they need to be removed.

A cyst can appear as a bump on your skin. It may also feel like a small lump if it is growing just under your skin. Some cysts grow deep inside your body where you cannot feel them. However, they may cause other noticeable symptoms. Cysts usually grow slowly and have a smooth surface. They can be tiny or very large. Most cysts are not painful, some go away on their own. They usually do not cause problems unless they are: infected, very large, impinging on a nerve or blood vessel, growing in a sensitive area, affecting the function of an organ.

Your mutual friend, (the doctor) says your friend (the cyst) is ok, they need you and for you to just stay friends with them. So you do and then years go by. After a lot of problems and issue (aches n pains) your mutual friend (the doctor) tells you yeah girl you need to get rid of them like a bad habit. Now you feel stuck, because of your friend (the cyst) you’ve acquired a medical debt, physical disorders, anxieties, and emotional stress. Now to get rid of the friend you have to be extreme and invasive (surgery). Then to recover from all the damage your friend did to you physically, mentally and emotionally.

The basis of what im trying to say is - in life you are tested. What you decide will determine the end result. So if you are told you have a cyst (a new friend) it is up to you to inspect, examine, review, assess every aspect of that friend and decide will it be good to you in the long run. Will they become a growth that you need to remove or can they be a dormant friend that knows its place and never steps out of line.

Holistically when a cyst appears you have to understand the person the cyst is attached to, lifestyle, family history, and the location of the cyst. Most women deal with cysts on their wombs, and men deal with pilonidal cysts but you can get a cyst anywhere on your body. The location of the cyst can tell the practitioner a many of things about your emotional, physical and spiritual state.
  • -     Womb = emotional issues – guilt / sexual trauma / disconnection
  • -     Bladder = emotional issue – worry / problem releasing / ambition weak
  • -     Intestine = emotional issues – grudge / hold on to things / isn’t easily moved
  • -     Chest = emotional issues – forgiveness / chest pains – breathing problems / no compassion

As soon as you find out you have a cyst, you need to find out the location, the size, is it attached to any other organ, muscle, tissue that in the long run may cause a problem.  Then do your homework, don’t just take someone else’s information as law. Learn about it yourself, get a second opinion, and find out if you can you get rid of it naturally, is there something you are doing contributing to this attachment. Then sit and deliberate on what actions you want to take. Keep it or Chuck it (sounds like a reality sitcom show title).
Look into what herbs could be taken, sometimes if you catch it when it’s small you can do home remedies, but once it is a larger size causing discomforts then its best to seek assistance from a professional. You may need to dapple in both fields (holistic and allopathic) or you may be able to deal with a holistic practitioner solely, if the natural route is in your plans.
Growths of any kind are not normal – though it is considered to be normal in this day and age. Something that grows within our bodies that serves no purpose and can harm is not something I would normally consider to be a friend.

Nothing is more important than the health of your spiritual, mind and physical self. Doing all you can to keep them in balance are lessons that you can educate others on as they make moves in taking their health in their hands.
And never allow your ego to get in the way of your healing, its a challenge to diagnosis yourself correctly 100% of the time. Ask for assistance - it saves you time, money and healing duration down the line.

#windowsofwellness #thewellnessmission #mersagetherapy #holistichealing

Sunday, January 8, 2017


What should I eat when I'm breastfeeding?

When you are breastfeeding it is best to follow a healthy, balanced diet every day, you need to consume plenty of fruits and vegetables, preferably fresh, local or organic. Eating green leafy vegetables in a salad with a variety of other vegetables and very little dressing, will pack a punch of nutrients that you need to sustain optimum health for you and your baby. Plenty of protein, such beans, sea vegetables, lean meat, eggs, mushrooms, whole grains with high protein content like Bulgar wheat or quinoa... and don’t forget the Starchy foods, such as 100% whole grain bread, pasta and rice. Keep in mind that whole grain varieties, have added fiber which is needed for good digestive function. Have at least two portions of fish a week, including oily varieties, such as wild salmon, albacore tuna or pacific sardines. Mothers who do not eat animal products are at risk for vitamin B-12 deficiency, so to get adequate amounts of vitamin B-12 look into getting fortified foods; some low-fat dairy food, such as a yogurt, butter, cheese or milk products are good. Looking into healthier snacks like nuts, seeds, dried fruits are perfect when you feel like snacking, for those that enjoy cookies, chips, things of that nature definitely look for healthier versions.

Do I need to drink more water when I'm breastfeeding?
YES YOU DO! You need to drink enough water to support your body normal functions while you're breastfeeding (estimated half your body weight in ounces). Though your body is very good at regulating its reserves to keep your milk supply going; keep in mind drinking less water not only dehydrates you but if done for long periods it can eventually affect your milk supply.
Bear in mind that during breastfeeding your body releases the hormone oxytocin, which makes you feel thirsty. If your body is properly hydrated daily the less thirsty symptoms you may feel. So keep a drink nearby during the months you're breastfeeding.
If you're worried about whether you're getting enough to drink, you can check the color of your urine. If it's pale-colored, you're getting plenty to drink. If it's dark yellow, or smells strongly, you may be dehydrated, in which case you should drink more water. Other signs of being dehydrated can be dry skin, dry hair, chapped lips, feeling lethargic…
Drinking quality water is what I always recommend to everyone. “Quality Water” being “Alkaline Water” that is, which is water that has a pH of 8.0 – 9.0. NOTE: If buying bottled water from a store the bottle must state the pH on the bottle.

 Do I need extra calories when I am breastfeeding?
YES YOU DO! Just like you needed to eat extra calories while you were pregnant, you need to have extra, extra calories as a breastfeeding mom, so your body can efficiently continue to produce milk and continue its daily functions. I always tell moms that when breast feeding you have to eat for You, Yourself, Reserve and The Baby; you are basically eating and feeding four people. Making sure your meals are well balanced, eating a variety of different foods weekly and having healthy snacks to eat in between will keep you both (mom and baby) nourished, happy & growing.
The amount you need to eat also depends on your pre-pregnancy weight, like how much weight you gained during pregnancy, how physically active you are and post pregnancy health status. Since breastfeeding usually gives you a big appetite and since you need to increase the amount of food you eat; eating a healthy diet, getting adequate exercise and sleep will play a major part in your caloric breakdown. Also, it is said that many women lose some weight when breastfeeding.  
Since we are on the topic of weight, you may have put on a bit of weight while you were pregnant, so losing some of this weight is probably a thought lingering in your mind. If you’ve just had a newborn, you'll need plenty of energy and those stored fat cells comes in hand. Trying to lose weight too soon after giving birth may delay your recovery and make you feel even more tired. So try to wait until you've had your postnatal check and spoken to your healthcare provider before you lose weight. After you get the OK from your doctor losing about 1lb to 2lb a week shouldn't affect the amount or the quality of milk you make.
Eating healthily and doing some gentle exercise will help you to get in shape. This is better than very strict low-calorie diets when you are breastfeeding. You can increase how much you exercise six weeks to eight weeks after giving birth, if you feel up to it.
If you notice that you don't feel like eating, it could be a sign that you may need extra emotional support. Women who have postnatal depression sometimes lose their appetite. If you're finding it a struggle to eat, talk to your doctor, nursing counselor or health consultant.

What shouldn't I eat when breastfeeding?
Traces of bi-products and chemicals that are in the food and drink we consume can sometimes get into breast milk, and this may affect your baby. This is why it is important to be selective on the quality of the food you buy and not so much on the quantity of price, especially if you think long term of using food as a restorative healing tool.
Some babies are affected by a protein in cow's milk, which causes symptoms such as:
o   Bloating
o   Itchy skin and a rash
o   Swollen eyes, face or lips
o   Wheeziness or coughing
o   Diarrhea
o   Constipation

o   Vomiting or re-flux
o   A poor appetite
o   Eczema
o   Changes to their poo
o   Not growing well

If you think that dairy is affecting your baby, talk to your healthcare provider or nutritionist about removing it from your diet for a week or so, to see if it makes a difference. If your baby has been diagnosed with a cow's milk allergy, a dietitian can advise you about how to remove it from your diet completely and what to replace it with. You may also need to take calcium and vitamin D supplements.
Some mums worry about eating peanuts while breastfeeding, but there's no real evidence that this makes your baby more likely to develop a peanut allergy. So as long as you're not allergic to peanuts, you can eat them as part of a balanced diet. New studies have shown that eating peanuts while breast feeding will aid your child in not becoming allergic to them.

Can I drink soda, coffee or tea if I'm breastfeeding?
Avoid having lots of caffeinated drinks when you're breastfeeding. In the US, women who are breastfeeding are recommended to have no more than about 200mg of caffeine a day. That's about two mugs of tea, or coffee, or a can of soda a day. More than this amount of caffeine can most likely harm your baby in the long run. If you notice your baby seems to be restless or unsettled, or find that it’s difficult to sleep, try cutting back on caffeine, or not having any at all. This may make a difference for you and your baby.

Can I drink alcohol if I'm breastfeeding?
The occasional drink is unlikely to harm you or your baby. However, it's safest not to have more than one or two units of alcohol, once or twice a week, if you are breastfeeding.
Alcohol passes through your breast milk to your baby. Drinking more than two units a day while you are breastfeeding may reduce your milk supply, and even affect your baby's development.
As a guide:
  • o      a small (125ml) glass of wine is two units
  • o      a pint of strong lager is three units
  • o      a bottle of cooler is between one and two units

But this also depends on the strength of the drink, which will be detailed as a percentage on the label. The higher the percentage, the stronger the drink. How fast alcohol enters your bloodstream, and then your breast milk, depends on how much you weigh, and whether you have a full or empty stomach. The amount of alcohol in your blood usually peaks between 30 minutes and 90 minutes after you have the drink. You'll need to allow an hour or two for your body to be clear of one unit of alcohol.
So if you want to have an alcoholic drink when you are breastfeeding, feed your baby before having the drink. Two or three hours later, when it's time to feed your baby again, the level of alcohol in your blood should be low enough not to affect your baby. However, if your baby is newborn, she may need feeding more often than every two hours or three hours. So you may want to stick to herbal teas, water or non-caffeinated soft drinks for the moment.

In conclusion: The purpose of breastfeeding can be for many reasons, maybe you want to build a bond between you and your little one, maybe you want to nourish their developing bodies and minds, hek, even if you don’t have money to keep buying formula you may choose to breastfeed. Whatever the reason make sure you are doing it right. Be smart when eating and drinking and remember little bundle of joy is depending on you to have two breast filled with this nourishment, that should be motivation enough.

#windowsofwellness #thewellnessmission #mersagetherapy #breastfeeding #eatinghealthy #holisticlivingmom #newmom #nursingchildren