Monday, December 9, 2013

Preventing An Un-balanced Lifestyle

Health is a Choice! Yes A Preventable and Reversible Choice!

Is it possible that one can prevent or reverse “Dis-Eases” of the body with proper foods and natural resources? Yes. The organs in the human body have the capacity to regenerate and restore it to regain balance in health.
Let us first understand what “Dis-Ease” of the body is, so we can better understand how to prevent or reverse it. When your body is not functioning properly, there is an imbalance somewhere, A chink in the chain, A missing link; A problem that needs to be corrected. When an area of the body is under stress it causes problems to another part of the body which then causes an issue to another section of the body, and so on. It’s a domino effect, a chain reaction, a cycle; and if the origin of the problem doesn’t get resolved it can worsen over time and now you have a condition on your hands.

Now we all know that there is a cause to every effect. A symptom is an effect of a cause categorized as stress. When your body experiences a form of stress the effect of it can be a headache, heart palpation, sluggish immune system; a spasm, congestion, or a fever just to name a few. Symptoms are given to you by your body to let you know that something is out of harmony; not in tune with the natural order of things. Symptoms are nothing more than warning signs that something is wrong.
What is Stress? Stress is the “Cause” of an imbalance somewhere to the body.
S – Smoking
T – Trauma
R – Relationships
E – Environment
S – Society
S – Sex

Stress is Mental, Emotional, or Physical strain caused, by anxiety, overworking, smoking, un-balanced diet, drugs, environment and much more. There is not just one thing alone that causes stress to the body, it can be a combination of the things mentioned above and more.  Whatever the stress, they all lead to a symptom if not taken care of immediately. Now some of you may be saying that stress is a normal and natural part of life. It is how we utilize our fight or flight response; it is how we learn to deal with adversity. Well this is true. The problem arises when we don’t deal with our issues and we don’t listen to the warning signals given and then small problems become bigger problems and now we have a so-called incurable condition. These “Incurable Conditions” caused by Stress/Stressors are given wonderful identities like asthma, heart problems, arthritis, cancers, migraines, stroke, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.

Now you have an understanding of how we become imbalanced and un-well. The pattern is always the same, Stress – Symptom – Condition. The origin of the stress can be a variety of things that we sometimes think has nothing to do with the symptoms we experience and when out of the blue we learn that we are suffering with a condition is when we are ready to take action. I say Don’t Wait till you reach the state of condition to make changes in your life. Make those changes when you get the first warning sign that something you did, said, or thought is causing you stress. Harming the natural flow of your being, making what once was at Ease into a state of Dis-Ease can be detrimental in the long run.
Example of this process:
Bad Diet

Weight Gain
Difficulty Breathing
Emotional Imbalance

Obesity / Diabetes
COPD / Lung Cancer
Psychosis / Depression

Now let’s look into ways of reversing or preventing these imbalances.
First evaluate your current health condition as a whole (mind, body, emotion). Go to your physician and check a thorough check-up. Note the warning signs your body is giving you; know where your imbalances are and what major organs or systems are affected. Look into what stressors can possibly cause the imbalance. Lastly, ask yourself:
ü Am I ready to stop partaking in those bad habits that makes me suffer with dis-ease in my body?
ü Am I ready to live a full and joyful life with family and friends?
ü Then look deep into your heart and ask yourself - Do I love myself enough to choose to take my life into my hands and make proper changes that will better improve my way of living?

With a few simple and easy modifications you will not only affect your life but also the lives of your family, friends and community? Simple and small steps in the beginning will reorient you into daily practices that in the long run will not take effort at all to do. Like riding a bike once you learn how you never forget. You just have to get on and go… get ready to live to the fullest. You can do it. I Believe In You and want you to live to your fullest potential.

Now is the time to be the CEO of your health, of your body. Re-Educate yourself about the foods you are eating is an important first step to preventing and reversing Dis-Ease in the body. Learning what foods are nutritionally better for you and your family will allow you all to live longer, happier and healthier; helping the body to regenerate and heal itself overnight. Being physically active by working out, taking walks or jogging; practicing yoga, tai chi or martial arts is another great step to becoming physically strong and healthy. This will aid in keeping good circulation flow of blood, oxygen and nutrients in your body. Taking time out for self is another tool, quieting your mind, taking time out to relax, reflect and rejuvenate can add years to your life. Meditating, Deep breathing exercises, Spiritual worship or daily affirmations keeps the mind calm and focused. Bringing the mind and body into a calm and relaxing state also allows the body to focus on healing itself and replenishing many essential components needed for daily functions. Community activities, social groups or meet-ups help keep human interaction and contact. Now a day, we have become a computerized virtual, texting, twitting, face-booking society and are losing physical energy connections and social skills needed from person to person. We stay sharp by staying mentally and physically active when dealing with people of all ages, genders and status.

There are plenty of ways you can take back your health and incorporate better resources into your life.   Want to learn ways to better life for you and your family. View my website and see what resources can aid you in reaching optimum goal.  Learn simple changes you can make that will increase your life and your health.

553,768 deaths in USA 2001 (CDC)

194.4 people per 100,000 died from cancer in the US 2001 (Deaths: Final Data for 2001, NCHS, CDC)

12.1% of hospital inpatients deaths was from cancer in the US 2001 (Deaths: Final Data for 2001, NCHS, CDC)

356.2 African American men per 100,000 in the US 1996-2000 (SEER Cancer Statistics Review, National Cancer Institute, 1975-2000)

176.7 Hispanic Latino men per 100,000 in the US 1996-2000 (SEER Cancer Statistics Review, National Cancer Institute, 1975-2000)

198.6 African American women per 100,000 in the US 1996-2000 (SEER Cancer Statistics Review, National Cancer Institute, 1975-2000)

112.4 Hispanic Latino women per 100,000 in the US 1996-2000 (SEER Cancer Statistics Review, National Cancer Institute, 1975-2000)

Windows of Wellness provides educational support to individuals who want to improve their health. We give recommendations and information on nutrition to the best of our knowledge and abilities. An individual voluntarily accepts the information and services rendered from my articles for informational and educational purposes only. We do not claim to be medical health care professionals, or nutritionists.
Any changes that an individual makes to their life and the results of those changes, is their decision and responsibility. We do not recommended that any person stop using any prescribed medicine or other therapy that he/she may be using, without consulting with their doctor first.

#thewellnessmission #newsyoucanuse #windowsofwellness #meryserketanitefnut
Windows of Wellness                  757-499-4820

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