Massage therapy / Touch Therapy / Hand On Healing... what ever you call it, has risen above and is well known across the world as a therapeutic aid and it is even offered in various health care facilities. Bodywork has been practiced for thousands of years, now days if you need a massage session, you can choose from many different styles of massage with a wide variety of pressure, movements, and techniques. Massage involves pressing, rubbing, or manipulating muscles and other soft tissues with your hands, fingers, forearms, elbows and even the practitioners feet can be used. :)
Studies have confirmed that massage isn't just for muscle pain, it can also help boost immunity, physical mobility and help people with a range of conditions from menstrual pain to high blood pressure and it also seems to help soothe pain from arthritis, burns and even surgery.
As a trained therapist, my main focus is to understand the needs and functions of the human body and guide it into a state of homeostasis.
Research has
proven that massage can:
ü Releases Stress
ü Battle Fatigue
ü Calm Muscle
ü Boost Immune
ü Lower Blood
ü Combat Depression
ü Provide
Back Pain: More than
one study has shown the effectiveness of massage therapy for back pain. In
fact, studies showed it worked better than acupuncture or spinal
modification for persistent low back pain, reducing the need for painkillers.
Headache: Also
responds to massage therapy. Massage therapy can reduce the number of migraines
a person has and also improve sleep.
Cancer: Used as a
complement to traditional medicine, massage can promote relaxation and reduce
cancer symptoms or side effects of treatment. It may help reduce pain, swelling,
fatigue, nausea, or depression, for example, or improve the function of your
immune system.
Anxiety: A review of
more than 12 studies shows that massage helps relieve depression and anxiety.
It lowered levels of cortisol by up to 50%. And massage increased levels of
neurotransmitters that help reduce depression.
Osteoarthritis: In the
first clinical trial looking at the effectiveness of massage for knee
osteoarthritis, participants who received a one-hour massage either one or two
times a week had improvements in pain, stiffness, and function.
My therapeutic goal is to help
you in transforming Stress - Aches & Pains - Stiff Joints -
Tight Muscles - Sluggish
Circulation -
Inability to relax problems
into a Re-structured -
Well-balanced - Relaxed Self Motivating Healing State
Are you tired of having aches and pains? Are you tired of waking up and cant get out the bed with out back pain, you go to reach for a glass and your arm cramps up, your walking up stairs and your legs stiffen, what ever your situation massage can definitely help.
I personally suffered for the first time ever for 2 months with "Sciatica" and for those that are suffering in the midst of its wrath - then you know what a pain in the .... it is. (lol). Well I am here to tell you that I am free of the burning, the pinching, the aching, the uncomfortabe feelings that comes with it. With the wonderful use of therapeutic grade essential oils / massage / and yoga I no longer fell its wrath.
I personally suffered for the first time ever for 2 months with "Sciatica" and for those that are suffering in the midst of its wrath - then you know what a pain in the .... it is. (lol). Well I am here to tell you that I am free of the burning, the pinching, the aching, the uncomfortabe feelings that comes with it. With the wonderful use of therapeutic grade essential oils / massage / and yoga I no longer fell its wrath.
I say this to say to you that
"No You Do Not Have To Suffer For The Rest Of Your Life".
Massage releases the tight spasmodic muscles from around the nerves of the spine, around the bones, where ever there is tightness and allows normal flow of blood and oxygen so that you can once again have the freedom of movement.
Testimonials from my clients:
I had been suffering with shoulder pain for months, I met MerySerket at a health fair and she did a massage on me. She got deep into my shoulder blade and released whatever it was that was tight and I am so happy to say that I no longer feel the pain and I am able to work out again.
T. White
Mery helped my knee pain by pulling the leg and taking away the pressure that built up in my joint. I haven't felt the pain since.
I did the 3 sessions of the raindrop therapy flu prevention session and made sure I ate the recommended immune boosting foods she told me about before the winter flu months kicked in and I did not get sick at all. Thank you Mery for helping me...
J. Nevarez
HOT STONES ROCKS! You made my birthday doubly special. thank you thank you thank you. I feel amazing. Never had hot stone before and now i wish to have it everyday. Can I keep you lol.
Windows of Wellness offers many healing modalities, and massage therapy is one of them.
I personally will help you to experience the benefits of bodywork therapy and change the way you feel,
the way you move and the way you live.
Bodywork Therapy
Deep Tissue
Foot Reflexology
Raindrop Therapy
Lymphatic Raindrop
Hot Stone
Hot Bamboo
Somatic Massage
Pregnancy Massage
Visit my website for more information
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