Monday, December 9, 2013

A Nation of Emotional Food Addicts


Emotional eating means your emotions dictate when, what, why & how much you eat. You constantly crave foods, until you become emotionally unstable. The longer the cravings go on, the more important eating becomes and in turn alters your behavior. This is a common problem for women and men, adults and children; people of all races. If you eat when you are not hungry, you are an emotional addicted eater. When we're depressed we tend to reach for sweet chewy foods, when we're angry we reach for salty crunchy foods. When the feeling of anxiety arrives, bready starchy foods calm the nerves and when we are bored we reach for what's ever in sight and binge. Does this sound like you??? People overeat to feel better but often feel worse, after eating a nutritious meal you should feel happy and energized. Food addiction threatens your health, by causing obesity, malnutrition, circulatory issues and many other problems. We all over-eat from time to time, but food addicts over-eat every day all day, and they eat, not because they are hungry, but as their main way of coping with stress. The flip side to this is that the foods you eat (sugars/salts/fats) to suppress that emotion has added substances that are addictive. Substances used by food manufacturers to preserve the flavor, improve the taste and enhance the appearance of the food. Products which require long shelf lives are manufactured with chemical additives. Some additives come from natural sources, but most are highly processed substances derived from unhealthy sources.

We are constantly being bombarded by the television, sales ads, and company billboards with information about food, drugs, and material items. We have been programmed to constantly have a need, or desire for external vices that don't feed the soul, doesn't nourish the mind and does not aid the body. In retrospect to foods - it has become a vice, a form of comfort, and a thing to pass the time instead of being something we do to enhance our lives, bring forth vitality and to maintain our existence. It is a destructive cycle we are living instead of being a life cycle. These addictive foods that cause unbalanced emotions and these unbalanced emotions that crave these addictive foods is what's causing us to suffer with conditions, disorders and dis-eases. It's why we are losing loved ones to "Un-Natural Causes". OK, OK Let Me Bring It Down. I'm getting too deep for you, but I speak from experience, education and wisdom. I'm here to re-educate the community, to provide information that makes you go hmmm??? So let me give you the info.

Food has gone from being a substance that nourishes to a substance that depletes. Foods don't fix the problem it masks it. Instead of finding positive outlets to alleviate the stresses we turn to food to quickly suppress the stresses. Now have we solved the problem or have we added to it?

Are You Craving Foods To Satisfy An Emotion
Are You Addicted To Foods That Suppress An Emotion???

Oh the joy one feels as they sink their teeth into a sweet scrumptious delightful treat... I need for you to understand that optimum health is what we work on achieving in our lives and that we all struggle with food vices, we all fall off the wagon; but then we get back up, brush off and go on another day with the motivation of doing better. We have to acknowledge what our emotions are and repair the destructive behaviors to better ourselves emotionally, physically and spiritually. There has to come a point in our lives when we Lift the Vail of Deceit and realize that life is worth so much more than what we have become accustomed to.

So now you may be asking - MerySerket, How can I stop being an emotional eater; how do I get myself off of addictive foods? Let me start by saying:
"Food Is Essential To Survival"
"Life Should Be Essential To You".
First and foremost, get an exam done (like a wholistic assessment) to see what condition your internal systems are in and inquire what you can do to reverse the destruction. Remember optimum health can only be obtained by cleaning house and re-decorating. Next, learn to recognize your hunger patterns, list all the foods you eat, all the stresses in your life, and the times of day you eat. Like a food journal this helps you to keep track of the what, when and the why of your diet. Then find healthier substitutes opposed to the bad alternatives that are already a part of your diet. And as I am sure you already know the last two: Exercise And Sleep. Working out stimulates digestion, aids circulation and keeps your body fit. Sleep allows your body to rest after running around doing your daily routines, eating meals, eliminating waste, and thinking. The body is very busy all day long so at night it should be tired and needs to rest. Then there are the social activities that you can start doing. Learn to interact with other people, try different things, Go to the park, visit a nursing home, join a book club, learn salsa dancing... find things of your interest, this also keeps you from sitting on the no-luv seat and eating yourself into depression as you watch superficial programming specials.

So I hope this article has enlightened you and has provided yet another stimulating read for you. Share the link with others – don’t let wellness stop here.

I leave you in peace, with love and many blessings.

#thewellnessmission #newsyoucanuse #windowsofwellness #meryserketanitefnut

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